Have you ever been asked how YOU want YOUR money managed?

Why do you think it is that consumers feel it is so important to invest their money? I am sure everyone has heard the saying “a penny saved is a penny earned.” Now, these words relate to the act of saving money, and what saving money does is allow you to store it away for a later purpose. It may be educational purposes, a vacation, sports tickets or some renovation to your home. Saving is what you do when you would like to achieve a future desired outcome. The difference is that you will be saving money to spend it and your money will not be growing your wealth.

Now, how do you begin to save and allow yourself to grow your wealth? You begin by reaching out to an expert in this field to answer those questions. But wait, is your situation the same as your neighbors? Do they have the same goals and aspirations that you do? The short answer is no, no one person’s situation is the same and their investment strategy needs to reflect their individual goals. So, how does an investor begin to create a strategy specific for them? Again, the answer is the same, speaking to an expert to help develop this strategy.

At Public Sector Investor we have coined the phrase Investor Personality. We do believe every person’s situation is different, but we also believe that every investor has their own personality. This personality may be the amount of risk they are willing to take, how often they would like to buy and sell, or maybe they are an investor that wants to see their account once a month or not at all. We want to know these things because this is your money and your life. PSI wants to know what you are comfortable with and come up with a strategy that gives you a sense of comfort knowing that we know exactly how you want your money managed. At PSI, we have a way of developing your Investor Personality together, so you have some clarity on the type of investor you are.

If you have not been asked how you want your money managed, reach out to our team to begin working with someone that wants to make investing for your future about you.


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8500 Normandale Lake Blvd, Suite 960, Minneapolis, MN 55437

Phone: 952.835.4295


Investment advisory services offered through Redhawk Wealth Advisors, Inc., an SEC Registered Investment Advisor.

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    Address: 8500 Normandale Lake Blvd, Suite 960

                   Minneapolis, MN 55437

    Email: Support@RedhawkWA.com

    Phone: 952.835.4295


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