By: Aaron Klein, Co-Founder and CEO, Riskalyze

When I was asked to consider writing this foreword, I was delighted to accept the job before I’d even had the chance to read it. And now that I have, I’m even more excited to have the chance to be a small part of this labor of love about wealth enhancement.


That’s not just because our Risk Number® technology has been woven into the heart of Redhawk’s wealth management process. It’s not just because many of the charts and graphs in this book are screen shots from our platform.


I'm excited because this book turns the standard operating practices of our industry on its head, and demonstrates an unheard of generosity to every day investors that many financial advisors should follow.


For far too long many financial advisors have considered their knowledge and insights to be the value that they bring to their client relationships. As such, advisors are reluctant to share any of that knowledge, or any of those insights, unless someone signs on the dotted line and becomes a client first.


In writing this book, Rick Keast has done a revolutionary thing: turning that standard operating procedure on its head and giving the average person a behind-the-scenes understanding of WHAT, WHY and HOW to make sure they have a secure retirement with dignity. That the average person can help their grand kids go to college, can change the world through non-profit giving, or can achieve any other life goals their finances and investing can support.


This book demonstrates a confidence in the value of great financial advice which comes not just from knowledge, but from wisdom — the ability to put that knowledge into practice on behalf of others.

In reading it, you will really get a solid understanding of how to hire a great financial advisor regardless from which firm they hail, how to ask the tough questions and how to discern whether that advisor’s oversight, compensation, and process are designed to help you succeed versus just helping the firm grow its bottom line.


I hope you greatly enjoy this book, share it with your friends, and are empowered to invest fearlessly to achieve an abundant financial future.

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