FINANCIAL PLAN SURVEY Name First Last 1. Are you doing advanced Financial Planning for your clients? Yes No Some 2. How long have you been providing financial planning services to your clients? 0-5 years 5-10 years 10+ years 3. Would you be interested in outsourcing the data gathering and creation/maintenance of the financial plan? Yes No 4. How much do you charge for your financial planning services? Do you include these services in the AUM fees?5. Do you charge an annual servicing fee to maintain the financial plan?6. If so, how much?7. What areas do you include in your financial plan (check all that apply): Risk Score Analysis Behavioral Finance Analysis Long Term Care Planning Retirement Planning Risk Management (Insurance Analysis) Budget/Emergency Fund Analysis Big Purchases/Sales Planning ROTH Conversions Social Security Medicare Planning Estate Planning Pension Planning Education Planning Tax Planning Other (please provide info in the comments box at the end of the survey) 8. Which Platform/Application do you use? MoneyGuide Pro Elite eMoney Pro Right Capital eMoney Plus Orion Financial Planning Asset-Map FP Alpha MoneyTree Naviplan by InvestCloud MoneyGuideOne Covisum Elements TIFIN Wealth Envestnet Logix Profiles MaxiFi ESPlanner Libretto InStream Cheshire Wealth Manager Voyant PlantechHub Advice Systems, Inc None 9. Which Platform/Application would be your first choice?MoneyGuide Pro EliteeMoney ProRight CapitaleMoney PlusOrion Financial PlanningAsset-MapFP AlphaMoneyTreeNaviplan by InvestCloudMoneyGuideOneCovisumElementsTIFIN WealthEnvestnet LogixProfilesMaxiFI ESPlannerLibrettoInStreamCheshire Wealth ManagerVoyantPlantechHubAdvice systems, Inc10. Which Platform/Application would be your second choice?MoneyGuide Pro EliteeMoney ProRight CapitaleMoney PlusOrion Financial PlanningAsset-MapFP AlphaMoneyTreeNaviplan by InvestCloudMoneyGuideOneCovisumElementsTIFIN WealthEnvestnet LogixProfilesMaxiFI ESPlannerLibrettoInStreamCheshire Wealth ManagerVoyantPlantechHubAdvice systems, Inc11. Which Platform/Application would be your third choice?MoneyGuide Pro EliteeMoney ProRight CapitaleMoney PlusOrion Financial PlanningAsset-MapFP AlphaMoneyTreeNaviplan by InvestCloudMoneyGuideOneCovisumElementsTIFIN WealthEnvestnet LogixProfilesMaxiFI ESPlannerLibrettoInStreamCheshire Wealth ManagerVoyantPlantechHubAdvice systems, Inc12. What would make you switch to one of your top three choices? Not Applicable Lower Costs Better services offered by the other provider Other Comment(s)