Redhawk Wealth Advisors was recognized in Newsweek’s America’s Top Financial Advisory Firms 2025 ranking. This ranking was compiled by Newsweek and is based on publicly available data, peer recommendations, and other third-party research methodologies. Redhawk Wealth Advisors did not pay a fee to be included in this ranking; however, the firm may purchase marketing materials or reprints after being recognized. The ranking does not evaluate the quality of investment advice or services provided by Redhawk Wealth Advisors, nor does it indicate any particular level of skill or training. Rankings and recognitions by unaffiliated publications should not be considered an endorsement or a guarantee of future investment performance. Investors should conduct their own research and due diligence when selecting a financial advisory firm. For more information on the methodology used in the ranking, please visit Newsweek’s website. Investment advisory services are offered through Redhawk Wealth Advisors, a registered investment advisor.